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Mint Peppermill

Debugger Pepper

By Shaun Inman

A paneless Pepper used temporarily to debug your Mint installation. Please make a backup of your Mint database before installing/uninstalling this Pepper.

Be sure to uninstall or at the very least disable debugging once a problem has been diagnosed or resolved. The Debugger Pepper introduces additional database overhead which is an unnecessary waste of resources when Mint is operating normally.

Release Notes

All versions
Version 0.04

Be sure to uninstall older versions of Debugger Pepper before installing this update.

  • Added local_dt value for comparison against server time (to diagnose why cookies with defined expiration dates are being ignored by the browser)
  • Fixed divide by zero bug that appears only before any debugged visits have been recorded

Some definitions:

  • Untrackable means that the browser requested the Mint JavaScript include but for some reason didn’t run the code
  • Uncookieable means that the browser requested the Mint JavaScript include and a hit was recorded but cookies could not be set to determine whether the visitor was unique or a repeat

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