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In Partnership with Media Temple

Mint Peppermill

Mint: A Fresh Look at your Site

Mint, always fresh

Version 2.19

The latest and greatest version of Mint can always be found here in the Peppermill. A basic installation—or “Thin Mint” as it is affectionately called—comes with the Default and Backup/Restore Pepper. For additional functionality, check out the other official and community-developed Pepper available below.

Junior Mint: A Fresh Look at your Mint

Junior Mint

Version 2.01

A fresh fix of hourly, daily, or all visits is only an F12 away. (Requires Apple's Mac OS X Dashboard)

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Hey there, I have officially suspended sales and support of Mint. The Create Account, Add License, Transfer License, and Contact forms have been disabled. Existing customers may continue to login and download Mint.

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