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In Partnership with Media Temple

Mint A Fresh Look at your Site

Feature Highlights

Visits breaks down site activity from the past day, week, month and year as total page views and unique visitors

Referrers are broken down by newest unique, most recent and repeat referrers as well as grouped by domain

Searches filters out referrals from popular search engines which can then be grouped as web or image search results

Pages illuminates your most popular and most recently accessed content and allows you to flag or watch individual pages for later review

Bird Feeder reveals feed subscription patterns for the past week, month and year as well as click-through from individual feed items

User Agent 007 scopes out browser families and versions, platforms, common resolutions and Flash plugin versions

Real Estate can help to plot out a target, above-the-fold design size based on your audience’s common browser window width and height

Painless Panes Mint’s compact, easy-to-digest interface adapts to the size of your browser window and the number of installed Pepper

Easy-to-install because designing, building and maintaining a website is hard enough

New in 2
  • staggered loading of Pepper data to improve page load time within Mint
  • numerous interface and hierarchy refinements including support for custom styles
  • improved pane tiling to reclaim wasted screen real estate
  • better management of additional database tables created by third-party Pepper
  • simple graphs (with an updated API to share this functionality with third-party Pepper developers)
  • full support for Internet Explorer 6+ including installation and administration
  • most Repeat, Popular and Common tabs can all be filtered by timespan
  • support for the official Bird Feeder Pepper for tracking your feeds with Mint
  • new Domains tab added to the Referrers pane groups referrers by domain and sorts by the number of referrers from each domain
  • Watched tab of the Pages pane has been expanded to display referrers of Watched pages
  • new Readers tab in the User Agent pane when the new Bird Feeder Pepper is installed shows the feed reader application and version
  • new Secret Crushes Pepper uses common blog and CMS cookies to automatically assign names to your visitors within Mint
  • new Real Estate Pepper tracks the width and height of the browser window
  • searches are now separated out into web and image
  • no longer tracks identifiable information by default (eg. ip addresses) to prevent conflicts with existing privacy policies
  • single column mode (perfect for uni-taskers)
Only $30 per site Already have Mint?
Upgrade your existing licenses to Mint 2 for only $19.

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